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Top 20 Gastrointestinal Appendicitis

A Navigation Guide for Top20Gastrointestinal Appendicitis.com

Appendicitis, ftplectures (16:24)

Video is presented as a lecture with an anatomical drawing and notes on a white board. He is an engaging lecturer that allows you you to stay focused to learn about appendicitis. Describes the definition, pathophysiology, history. and labs associated with appendicitis. Defines McBurney’s point, describes treatment, and more.

Appendicitis - USMLE Step 2 Review, World Medical School (7:17)

Slow paced talk through of appendicitis in categories of presentation, differential diagnosis, exams, labs, treatment options, surgery and postop. First, try to think of what you would say about each of th eabove categories. Then listen to the video to fill in what you may have missed.

Histopathology Acute Appendicitis, WashingtonDeceit (2:58)

Start watching at 1:00 to begin learning. Video begins with describing appendicitis with a gross specimen picture. Then it moves onto describe pathology slides. The description is presented at a good pace with good descriptions to allow you to follow along. Warning: audio quality is not great and volume is low...will need to have volume up.